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Skid Markz Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Skid Markz Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Are you looking for a specific Skid Markz rule?  |  Setup  |  Playing the Game  |  Challenges  |  Winning the Game  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Skid Markz is to score the most points by drawing and guessing other players’ drawings better than the other players.


  • Attach the leash to the dog’s back. Press on the leash until it clicks into place.
  • Remove the cap from the marker and slide it into the hole in the top of the dog. Keep pushing on the marker until you see the tip of the marker showing from the bottom of the dog.
  • Either find a one minute timer or get your cellphone ready to time the rounds.
  • Gather some paper towels or napkins to wipe off the drawing board between rounds. If the board isn’t clean, wipe it off before you start the game.
  • Place the board where all of the players can reach it. Place the dog so the pen sits on the board on top of the game’s logo.
  • Shuffle the Bone cards and place them facedown next to the board. Place the Poo Point cards near the Bone cards.
  • Before you start the game you should choose what difficulty you want to play. Each color on the Bone cards are a different difficulty. The colors starting with the easiest are: blue (easiest), green, purple, yellow (hardest). If there are younger kids, they should always draw the blue words even if the other players are drawing more difficult words.
  • The player who most recently pet a dog will be the first Skidder (drawer).
Setup for Skid Markz

How to Play Skid Markz

You will begin you turn as a Skidder by taking the top Bone card. Read the word corresponding to the color the players agreed to playing. You should not let the other players see the card.

Looking at a card to see what needs to be drawn
For this game the players have decided to draw the green words. This player has to try to draw a castle.

Then roll the die to see what additional challenge you must follow this round. See the Challenges section below for more details on what each symbol means.

When younger kids are the Skidder, they will not roll the die. They also can hold the dog in their hand to draw instead of holding it from the end of the leash.

The oldest player starts the timer. The Skidder then tries to draw the word from the card following any rules imposed by the current challenge.

Holding the dog from the end of the leash, you will drag it across the board in order to try and draw the word from the card. You can pick up the dog and move it to a different part of the board unless you have the challenge that forbids you from lifting up the dog. While drawing you can’t talk, sing, hum or give any other clues to the players outside of your drawing.

Drawing with the dog on the leash
This player has started to draw a castle by pushing the dog by the handle on the leash.

While you are drawing, the rest of the players are trying to guess what you are drawing. Players can make as many guesses as they want. Should one of the players guess correctly, the current turn ends. Both the Skidder and the player that guessed correctly take one of the Poo Point cards and place it in front of themselves.

Guessing that the player drew a castle
One of the players have successfully guessed that the player was trying to draw a castle. The Skidder and the guesser both receive one Poo Point card.

If no one guesses the word before the timer runs out, no one score points this round.

The Bone card from this round is discarded and the board is wiped off. The dog should be placed so the marker rests on the game’s logo on the board. The player to the left of the current Skidder, becomes the Skidder in the next round.


When you roll the die, you will end up rolling one of six symbols. The symbol determines what special challenge you must also follow when drawing as the Skidder.

 Hand: You must use your non-dominant hand to draw. For example if you usually use your right hand to draw, you must use your left hand. If you normally use your left hand, you will have to use your right hand.

Eyelashes: You have to keep your eyes closed when drawing. You can first place the dog where you want on the board. You will then close your eyes and can’t open them again until either the word is guessed or the timer runs out. 

Caution Sign (! Inside a Hexagon): Once you place the dog on the board, you cannot lift it off the board for the rest of the round. Your entire drawing must use one continuous line. 

Ruler: You may only use straight lines when drawing. You may never used a curved line.

Curved Arrow Pointing to the Right: You have to draw upside down. The bottom of your drawing has to face away from you.

Mask: You will draw without any of the other players looking at the board. When the timer runs out or you are done with the drawing, you will show it to the rest of the players. The players can now guess what you drew, but you cannot draw anything else on the board.

Winning Skid Markz

The players will each take a number of turns as the Skidder. The number of times you get to play as the Skidder depends on the number of players:

  • 3-6 Players – Each player is the Skidder three times.
  • 7-9 Players – Each player is the Skidder two times.

After everyone is done taking their turns as the Skidder, the game ends. The players will count up how many Poo Points they collected in the game. The player that collected the most Poo Point cards wins the game.

Winning the game
At the end of the game the players had these Poo Point cards. Since the top player has the most points, they have won the game.

Before returning the components to the box you should make sure the caps are placed on the markers. Wipe off the board and the bottom of the dog in order to get rid of any marker marks. Remove the leash from the dog.

Skid Markz FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Skid Markz


  • Scoot the Dog
  • Attachable Leash
  • Drawing Board
  • Two Dry-Erase Markers
  • 100 Bone Cards
  • 36 Poo Point Cards
  • Challenge Die
  • Instructions

Year: 2021 | Publisher: Goliath Games

Genres: Children’s, Drawing, Family

Ages: 6+ | Number of Players: 3-9 | Length of Game: 20-30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate-High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.