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Pie Face Showdown Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Pie Face Showdown Board Game: Rules and Instructions for How to Play

Looking for a specific Pie Face Showdown rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Winning the Game | Cleaning Up | FAQ | Components |

Objective of Pie Face Showdown

The objective of Pie Face Showdown is to not get hit by the whipped cream.

Set Up

  • Place the pie thrower on a flat surface.
  • Insert the two masks into the slots in the base. You should place them as close together as possible.
  • Insert the chin rests into the base. The chin rests should help secure the two masks.
  • Wet the sponge with clean water. Slide the sponge onto the throwing arm until it sits on the hand. Otherwise you could choose to apply whipped cream directly to the hand.
  • Insert the throwing arm into the pie thrower. Lower the throwing arm until it lays flat on the base. Make sure it lays in the middle of the base between the two players. If you would like to make the game easier for one of the players, place the throwing arm closer to the opponent.
Setup for Pie Face Showdown

How to Play Pie Face Showdown

Each player puts their chin on one of the chin rests. You should look through the corresponding mask towards the throwing arm.

Both players count to three. On three both players keep pressing the button closest to them as quickly as possible. By pressing the button you will move the throwing arm closer to the other player’s face.

Pressing the button
Each of the players have a button on their side of the board. They need to try and push it as quickly as possible.

When the throwing arm gets too close to a player’s face, it will trigger and launch towards the player.

Winning Pie Face Showdown

The player who does not get hit by the throwing arm wins the game.

Losing the game
The player on the left pushed their button slower than the player on the right. Since the left player was hit by the cream, they have lost the game. The right player has won the game.

To play another game reset the throwing arm so it lies flat on the base and is equally between the two players. Wet the sponge or add more whipped cream to the throwing hand.

Cleaning Up

To return the game to the box, disassemble the game unit by reversing the setup steps.

Clean all of the components with water and make sure they are completely dry before returning them to the box.

Pie Face FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play Pie Face Showdown, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Pie Face Showdown


  • Pie Thrower
  • Throwing Arm
  • 2 Chin Rests
  • 2 Splash-Card Masks
  • Sponge
  • Instructions

Year: 2016 | Publisher: Hasbro

Genres: Action, Children’s, Family

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2 | Length of Game: 5 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

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