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Pencil Nose Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Pencil Nose Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Pencil Nose rule?  |  Setup  |  Playing the Game  |  End of Round  |  Winning the Game  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Pencil Nose is to correctly get your teammates to guess words in each round by drawing pictures with the marker attached to your nose.


  • The players should divide into two teams. The players should divide into as even of teams as possible.
  • Attach one of the markers to each of the noses. You should remove the cap from each marker so you can draw with them.
  • Set both of the dials on the clear drawing board to zero.

How to Play Pencil Nose

Each team chooses one player on their team to be the drawer each round. For the first round the youngest player on each team should be the drawer. You should rotate the role each round so the players get the same opportunities to draw and guess.

One of the chosen drawers will go first and then the other drawer takes their turn after the other player completes their turn. The current drawer draws a card and looks at the words printed on it. These are the words that the players will try to draw. They will attach the card to the top of the clear drawing board. They will then attach the plastic nose with the marker on it to their face.

Looking at the card to see what needs to be drawn
This player has to draw a mustache, monster, fox, football, crown and scooter using the marker attached to their nose.

Drawing the Words from the Cards

When the player is ready the timer is flipped over. They will have until the timer runs out to draw as many of the words from the card as they can. They are trying to get their teammates to guess the words. The drawer can choose what order they want to draw the words. The drawer holds the clear drawing board in front of their nose. They will then use the marker on their nose to draw on the clear board.

Drawing a football
This player has drawn a football with the marker on their nose. Their teammates will hopefully guess what they were trying to draw.

Some rules when drawing include:

  • You cannot use letters or number unless they commonly appear on the object that you are drawing.
  • The drawer is not allowed to talk.
  • You can erase the board during your turn to make room. It is recommended you draw several words without erasing though in order to save time.

Should their teammates guess the word they are drawing, the drawer moves onto another word. The players can also choose to pass if they can’t guess the word. They will keep drawing until the timer runs out. The teams keep track of how many words they were able to correctly guess. The clear board is wiped off and the other drawer then takes their turn.

End of Round

The round ends when a player on both teams have had a chance to draw. The two teams then compare how many words they were able to get their teammates to guess. The drawer who got more correct guesses wins the round. Their team scores one point and turns their dial on the clear drawing board one space. Should the two teams tie, neither team scores a point.

Green team winning the round
The green team has won the round. They turned their dial to one.

Should a team correctly guess all of the words from the card, they will score an additional point (two points total).

The players then play another round. Each team should choose a different player to be the drawer.

Winning the Game

The first team to score seven points wins the game.

Winning Pencil Nose
The green team has reached seven points. They have won the game.

Pencil Nose FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Pencil Nose


  • 90 Object Cards
  • Clear Erasable Drawing Board
  • 2 Pencil Nose Glasses
  • 2 Erasable Markers
  • Eraser
  • Sand Timer
  • Instructions

Year: 2018 | Publisher: Fat Brain Toy Company | Designer: Wendy L. Harris

Genres: Drawing, Family, Party

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 4+ | Length of Game: 20-30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate-High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.