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Monopoly Go! Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Monopoly Go! Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Monopoly GO! Board Game rule?  |  Setup | Playing the Game | Spaces | Placing Blocks | Mega Shut Downs | Winning the Game | FAQ | Components |


The objective of Monopoly GO! is to be the first player to build a landmark by placing four matching colored blocks on the same Build square.


  • Separate the landmark blocks by their color. Place one color of blocks into each storage area of the tray.
  • Set all of the dice into the center of the tray.
  • Place the Bank Heist dials next to the tray.
  • Mix up the Chance tiles and place them facedown in a pile next to the tray.
Setting up the board
  • Each player chooses one of the mini gameboards. The mini gameboard you choose determines your color. As each board is double-sided, you can choose which side you want to place face up.
  • Each player takes a Mr. Monopoly marker that matches their color and places it on the Start space of the Mega Shut Down tracker on their own personal mini gameboard.
  • All of the players take a reference card and set it in front of them.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the GO space on their own board.
  • All of the players roll the die matching their color. Whichever player rolls highest starts the game.
Individual player board setup

How to Play Monopoly GO! Board Game

The current player rolls all of the dice including the dice for the other players. Each player looks at the number rolled on their own die. They will move the token on their own mini gameboard clockwise the corresponding number of spaces.

Rolling the dice
The current player has rolled the dice. The players will move their playing pieces the corresponding number of spaces: blue – 5 spaces, green – 2 spaces, red – 6 spaces, and yellow – 4 spaces.

Everyone will then take an action based on the space that they landed on. See our Monopoly GO! Space Meanings post for details on what you do when landing on each space. The order in which players handle the actions of the spaces they land on usually doesn’t matter. Players that land on a Bank Heist or Shut Down space have to wait until all other actions have been handled though before they can take their action.

Moving a token four spaces around their player board
A four was rolled on the yellow die. The yellow player moves their token four spaces clockwise around the board. They have landed on an orange space.

Once everyone has taken an action based on their space, the current turn ends. The player to the left of the current player rolls the dice on the next turn.

Placing Blocks

During the game you will acquire colored blocks which you will try to place on your gameboard. There are a few rules that you need to follow when placing a colored block on your gameboard.

Should you already have a Build square that has a block the matches the color of the space that you landed on, place the block you just took on top of any other blocks currently on that square.

Placing a block that matches a color already on your board
This player just acquired an orange block. They already had an orange block on their board, so they place their new block on top of it.

If you don’t have a Build square with the color that you landed on but you have an empty Build square, place the block you took on one of the empty squares on your board.

Placing a colored block of a new color on your gameboard
This player just acquired a green block. Since they didn’t already have a green block, they will place it on a new space on their gameboard.

If all of your Build squares have blocks on them and none of them match the color of the space that you landed on, you will not take a block of the color you landed on. Instead take your Mr. Monopoly marker and move it one space to the right on your Mega Shut Down tracker. See the Mega Shut Downs section for more details.

Can't place a colored block on gameboard
The blue player has received a red block. As all of their spaces are covered and they don’t already have a red block, they are unable to place it on their board. Instead they will move their Mr. Monopoly token forward one space on the Mega Shut Down track.

Finally if there are no blocks in the tray that match the Color space that you landed on, you will move your Mr. Monopoly marker one space to the right on your Mega Shut Down tracker. See the Mega Shut Downs section below for more details.

Mega Shut Downs

During the game you will move your Mr. Monopoly marker to the right on your Mega Shut Down tracker. You will move your marker whenever you are unable to take a landmark block because there are no blocks in a color you need or you can’t place the block on your board.

Once your Mr. Monopoly marker reaches the end of the track, you can activate a Mega Shut Down. You can only activate the action after all of the other players have taken all of their actions from the current turn.

When you activate a Mega Shut Down, choose a color of blocks. All other players (not including yourself), must immediately return all blocks from their boards to the game tray that match the color you chose.

Initiated a Mega Shut Down
The blue player has moved their Mr. Monopoly token to the last spot on the Mega Shut Down track. They choose a color that all of the other players have to discard. They likely would want to pick yellow, red, or brown so the blocks are available for them to eventually add to their own board.

Winning the Game

As soon as someone places four blocks of the same color on a Build square, they have completed a landmark. The first player to complete a landmark wins the game.

Winning Monopoly GO!
The yellow player has placed four orange blocks on their board. The yellow player has won the game.

Should two player build a landmark in the same turn, each of the players count up the number of blocks they have on their board. The tied player with the most blocks wins the game. If the tied players have the same number of blocks, the players share the victory.

Winning the game due to the tiebreaker in Monopoly GO!
Both players placed their fourth block of the same color on the same turn. The player on the left has placed nine blocks on their board. The player on the right has placed ten blocks on their board. The right player has placed more blocks so they have won the game.

Monopoly GO! FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Multiple players can take a Bank Heist, Shut Down, and Mega Shut Down action on this turn. What order do the players take the actions?

When multiple players want to take a Bank Heist, Shut Down, and Mega Shut Down action on the same turn, the players will take turns taking the actions. The current player (the player who rolled the dice) will take any of these actions first if they are allowed to. They are followed by the next player in clockwise order. This continues until all of the players have had the opportunity to take their designated action.

More than one player wants/needs to take a landmark block of a specific color and there aren’t enough blocks left for all of the players. Who gets the block?

If there are multiple players that are trying to take the same landmark block, the first player to take the block gets to keep it.

A player has completed a landmark in the same turn that a player landed on a Bank Heist or Shut Down space. Does the player win the game, or do the other players have an opportunity to use the Bank Heist or Shut Down space to stop them from winning?

As soon as a player completes a landmark, they win the game. The other players are unable to attempt a Bank Heist or use a Shut Down to prevent them from winning the game. This applies to Mega Shut Downs as well.

Components for Monopoly GO!


  • 4 Double Sided Mini Gameboards
  • 4 Tokens
  • 4 Dice
  • 40 Landmark Blocks (5 of each color)
  • 10 Chance Tiles
  • 4 Mr. Monopoly Markers
  • 2 Bank Heist Dials
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • Game Tray
  • Instructions

Year: 2024 | Publisher: Hasbro

Genres: Family, Roll and Move

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 15-30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.