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Monopoly Discover Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Monopoly Discover Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Monopoly Discover rule?  |  Level One Setup  |  Playing Level One  |  Winning Level One  |  Level Two Setup  |  Playing Level Two  |  Winning Level Two  |  Board Spaces  |  FAQ  |  Components  |

Before you begin playing the game you need to decide whether you will play the level one or two version of the game. The level one game is simpler and is meant for ages 4-5. The level two game is recommended for kids ages 6+. The two levels share a lot in common, but since they have some differences, I have divided the rules based on the two different levels.

Level One

Set Up

  • Place the Level One side of the board face up on the table.
  • Choose one of the players to be the Banker. They are in charge of the Bank’s money. The Banker gives each player ten M1 bills.
  • Find the Level 1 Chance cards (they are purple) and shuffle them. Place them face down on the corresponding section of the board.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the GO space.
  • All of the players take the 12 sold signs that match the token that they chose.
  • Place the die by the gameboard.
  • The youngest player starts the game. Play moves left/clockwise throughout the game.
Setting up level one

How to Play Monopoly Discover Level One

To begin each turn you will roll the die. The number you roll determines how many spaces that you will move your token clockwise around the gameboard.

Moving a pawn after rolling a two on the die
The dog player rolled a two on the die. They will move their playing piece forward/clockwise two spaces along the board.

You will then take an action based on what space you landed on. See the Board Spaces section below for more details.

After you complete the action from the space you landed on, you will pass the die to the player on your left. That player takes the next turn.

Winning Level One

The game ends as soon as the last property is purchased by one of the players. Since you have to purchase a space when you land on it, you cannot take an action to prevent the end of the game.

The players will then count up how many properties they collected throughout the game. The player with the most properties wins the game. Should there be a tie, the tied player with the most money wins the game.

Winning level one of Monopoly Discover
The game has ended because all of the properties have been purchased. The penguin player purchased the most properties (five), so they win the game.

Level Two


  • Place the Level Two side of the board face up on the table.
  • Choose a player to be the Banker. The Banker is in charge of the Bank’s money and any Title Deeds not owned by a player.
  • The Banker gives each player ten M1 bills and one M5 bill.
  • Shuffle all of the Level 2 Chance (green) cards. Place them facedown on the corresponding section of the gameboard.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the GO space.
  • Take all of the sold signs that match the token you chose to use.
  • Place the die and the Title Deed cards near the gameboard.
  • The youngest player starts the game. Play moves left/clockwise throughout the game.
Set up for Level Two

How to Play Monopoly Discover Level Two

You will begin your turn by rolling the die. You will move your token the corresponding number of spaces clockwise around the gameboard.

Movement in level two after rolling a four
The cat player rolled a four on the die. They move their playing piece four spaces clockwise around the board.

Depending on what space you landed on, you will take the corresponding action. See the corresponding board space section below for more details.

After you take the corresponding action, pass the die to the player on your left. That player takes the next turn.

Winning Level Two

In the Level Two version of Monopoly Discover players can go bankrupt. When you owe money to another player or the Bank and don’t have enough cash to pay all that you owe, you have to declare bankruptcy.

The game ends once one of the players declare bankruptcy. Each player counts up all of the cash that they currently have. The player with the most cash wins the game. If there is a tie, the tied player with the most cash wins the game.

Winning level two of Monopoly Discover
At the end of the game the players had this money. The top player has the most money so they win the game.

Board Spaces of Monopoly Discover

The board spaces in Monopoly Discover are handled mostly the same in both levels one and two. If there are any difference, I will not them below.

Unowned property space

Unowned Properties

When you land on a property that does not have a sold sign on it, the property is currently unowned. You must purchase the property when you land on it.

You will pay the Bank the amount printed on the space. After you pay the Bank, you will place one of your sold signs on the space.

In the Level Two version of the game, you will take the corresponding Title Deed card and place it in front of yourself.

Purchasing a property
The cat player has landed on the donut shop. No one owns the property so the cat player pays M1. They place one of their sold signs on the space and take the corresponding Title Deed card.
Owned property space

Owned Properties

Should you land on a property that already has a sold sign on it, that property is already owned by another player. If your sold sign is on the space, you take no special action.

If another player owns the space, you will owe them the amount printed on the space. In the Level Two version of the game you can also look at the Title Deed card that you own.

Paying rent in Monopoly Discover
The dinosaur player landed on the pet rescue space which is owned by the penguin player. The dinosaur player owes the penguin player M3 for rent.

Should the owner own both properties of the color, you will have to pay double the normal rent. In Level One you will owe M2. In the Level Two version of the game you can see the increased rent on the Title Deed card.

Paying rent after landing on a property that is part of a monopoly
The dinosaur player landed on the pet rescue space. The penguin player owns the pet rescue along with the community garden. Therefore the dinosaur player has to pay twice the normal rent. They owe the penguin player M6.

If you do not have enough money to pay for the rent, it depends on which level you are playing. In level one you do not have to pay the owner. Instead you should say something nice about the player to make up for not paying rent. In Level Two the player goes bankrupt and the game ends.

Chance space


When you land on a Chance space, you will draw the top Chance card from the deck. You will read the card out loud and take the action printed on the card.

Most of the Chance cards send you to a space on the board.

  • If you move to an unowned property, you are forced to buy the property.
  • Should the property be owned by another player, you will pay the corresponding amount of rent.
  • If you are moved to any other space, you will take the corresponding action.
Chance card
The current player drew this Chance card. They can choose to move to any pink or dark blue space. They will then take the action corresponding to the space they move to.

After you have completed the action on the card, you will place it on the bottom of the Chance deck.

Free Parking space

Free Parking

The Free Parking space does not do anything for players that land on the space. You leave your token on the space and end the rest of your turn.

GO space


When you land on or pass the GO space, you will collect M2 from the Bank.

Go to Time Out space

Go to Time Out

When you land on this space, you immediately move your playing to the Time Out space. You will not collect money for passing the GO space. Your turn then ends.

At the beginning of your next turn you will take one of two actions to get out of Time Out.

First you can use a Get out of Time Out Free card. Otherwise you can pay M1. After you use one of these two methods, you will roll the die and move the corresponding number of spaces.

Getting out of Time Out
The dog player is currently in Time Out. They can either use a Get out of Time Out Free card or pay M1. They will then take their turn normally.

If you do not have a Get Out of Time Out Free card or M1 to pay off your debt, your debt is immediately forgiven. Instead of paying/using the card, you can sing your favorite song for payment to get out of Time Out.

Just Visiting space

Just Visiting

When you move your pawn to the Just Visiting Space, you do not take any special action. Make sure your token is clearly on the Just Visiting section of the board.

Monopoly Discover FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Monopoly Discover


  • Gameboard (double sided)
  • 6 Tokens
  • 6 Character Cards
  • 16 Title Deed Cards
  • 20 Level 1 Chance Cards
  • 20 Level 2 Chance Cards
  • 72 Sold Signs (12 for each token)
  • Die
  • 90 M1 Bills
  • 90 M5 Bills
  • Instructions

Year: 2022 | Publisher: Hasbro

Genres: Children’s, Economic, Roll and Move

Ages: 4+ | Number of Players: 2-6 | Length of Game: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.