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Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges: Rules for How to Play

Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges rule?  |  Phase One: Undercover Jokers  |  Phase Two: One Up Showdown  |  Phase Three: Punishments  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges is to avoid becoming the loser at the end of the game and having to complete a punishment.

Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges comprises three different phases. The game recommends that you play the game at a party or an office setting.

Phase One: Undercover Jokers

You should invite 2-9 players to the event and not tell them that you are playing the game. These players will be called the “unsuspecting guests” in the first phase of the game. Choose one to three of the unsuspecting guests who will be undercover jokers along with you. You will tell these players that you will be playing the game during the event. Before the event begins you will tell these players all of the rules for phase one of the game.

All of the undercover jokers will break off into two teams. Each team draws four challenge cards. They will look at the cards to memorize what they will have to do once the game starts. If you are unable to complete the challenge due to the situation where the event is happening, draw a new challenge card. Some of these challenges require you to use the accessories included with the game.

Challenge cards
For the first phase one of the teams have to complete these four challenge cards.

In this phase all of the undercover jokers will try to pull pranks/complete the challenges from their cards. They must try to complete the challenges on the unsuspecting guests. The phase begins once all of the guests arrive. The undercover jokers have 60 minutes in order to try and complete all four of their challenges.

If one of the unsuspecting guests thinks you are just messing with them, you need to try and play it serious to keep the spirit of the game alive. Within reason you can go to whatever lengths you want to try and sell your challenges to the other players. If one of the guests become uncomfortable with one of the challenges one of the players are trying to complete, end this phase of the game and tell everyone what is going on.

After all of the challenges have been completed or 60 minutes have passed, fill in all of the unsuspecting guests about the game and that you were trying to complete challenges.

Phase Two: One Up Showdown

All of the players will play this phase of the game. All of the players will start this phase of the game with zero points whether they were an undercover joker or unsuspecting guest in the previous phase.

Separate the Action cards from the scenario cards. Shuffle both decks separately. Each player is dealt eight Action cards. The player whose birthday is coming up next is the first judge. The role of judge will rotate clockwise throughout the game.

To start each round the judge flips over the top Scenario card and reads it out loud.

Scenario card
The current reader has drawn this Scenario card. All of the players need to pick an Action card from their hand that would be funny as the first thing a president would say to the American public.

The rest of the players then look through their Action cards to find one that they think is the funniest when paired with the Scenario card. Once everyone has picked an Action card, each player will act out the Action card that they chose. After all of the players have acted out their cards, the judge picks which one they thought was the funniest. They will give the Scenario card to the player they pick.

Using an Action card
This player has decided to use the Action card “Raise your hand and say “Show of Hands if you loathe everyone in this room.” They will act this out in response to the Scenario card.

Instead of acting, the players could choose to just play their cards. The judge mixes up the cards and then reads them off. They will then pick which card they think is funniest when combined with the Scenario card.

At the end of each round, all Action cards that were played are discarded. Each player that played a card then draws a new Action card to replace the card they just played. The role of judge then moves to the next player clockwise who starts the next round.

You will keep playing phase two until one of the players have acquired five scenario cards.

Phase Three: Punishments

After phase two ends, the players will determine who lost the game. Each player counts up how many Scenario cards they collected. The player that collected the least cards becomes the loser.

If there is a tie for the least cards, the tied players play one last round of phase two. The player that loses the tiebreaker round, becomes the loser.

The player that was the loser from phase two has to draw one of the Punishment cards. They will have to follow the action that is printed on the card. If the card references someone who is playing the game, draw a new card.

Using a Punishment card in Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges
The player that lost the game drew this Punishment card. They will have another player scroll through the loser’s phone and pick a contact. The loser has to challenge the chosen contact to a starring contest.

After you complete the Punishment card, you can tell the person/people that you did what you did because you were playing Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges.

Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Impractical Jokers Game Box of Challenges


  • 135 Undercover Jokers Cards
  • 45 Scenario Cards
  • 200 Action Cards
  • 20 Punishments Cards
  • 10 Petitions
  • 3 Brochures
  • 2 Tickets
  • Instructions

Year: 2020 | Publisher: Wilder Toys, WowWee

Genres: Party

Ages: 17+ | Number of Players: 3-10 | Length of Game: 60-120 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.