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I Need a New Butt! The Game: Rules for How to Play

I Need a New Butt! The Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific I Need a New Butt! The Game rule?  |  Set Up  |  Playing the Game  |  Making a New Butt  |  Winning the Game  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of I Need a New Butt! The Game is to be the first player to complete two or three (two players) new butts.

Set Up

  • Place the gameboard in the middle of the table.
  • Set the Butt Popper on it corresponding place on the gameboard.
  • Each player chooses a mover and places it on the corresponding colored start space.
  • Mix up all of the Butt Cheek tiles. Randomly place one on each space of the board. You should place each tile so the back side (the same for each tile) is visible.
  • Each player takes a Butt Holder card that matches the color they choose.
  • Shuffle the New Butt! cards. Deal two cards to each player. If there are only two players, you will give three cards to each player. Any New Butt! cards not given to a player are set to the side of the board so all of the players can see them.
  • The last player to say the word “butt” starts the game.

How to Play I Need a New Butt! The Game

You will begin each of your turns in I Need a New Butt! The Game pressing down on the Butt Popper. This will roll the two dice insider the popper.

First look at the action die (the die with symbols). Depending on what symbol is face up, you will take a specific action.

After you have taken the action corresponding to the symbol you rolled, you will move to a space based on the color your rolled.

Action Die

The action you take depends on what symbol you roll on the action die.

Choose direction icon

Should you roll the symbol with two arrows pointing in opposite directions, you will choose which direction you want to move. You will then look at the color die. You will move to the next space in the direction that you chose that matches the color you rolled. See below for details on moving.

Swap tiles icon

When you roll the symbol with arrows pointing in a circle, you will choose two tiles from the gameboard. You will swap the position of the two tiles you chose. After you swap the tiles, you will move clockwise to the space matching the color you rolled.

Look at tile icon

If you roll the symbol showing a face, you can pick one of the tiles on the gameboard. You will look at the other side of the tile. If the tile matches one of the New Butt! cards that aren’t being used by one of the players, place it on the corresponding card. Otherwise return it face down (unique side not visible) to the space that you took it from. You will then move clockwise to the color you rolled.

Color Die

After you complete the action you rolled, you will move your pawn. You will look for the next space in a clockwise direction from your current position that is the color you rolled. If you rolled the symbol letting you pick which direction you want to move, you can move either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The space you move to needs to have a tile on it and no other players can be on the space. If the space has a tile on it and it is unoccupied, you will move your playing piece to the space.

Moving your playing piece in I Need a New Butt! The Game
The blue player rolled orange on their die. Since they rolled the symbol letting them pick which direction they want to move, they decide to move clockwise from their start space. If they rolled one of the other symbols, they would have to move clockwise. They move to the first orange space.

Should the next space not have a tile or it is occupied by another player, you will move onto the next clockwise space that matches the color you rolled. You will continue this until you find a space that you can move to. Should all of the spaces of the color you rolled by occupied by another player or don’t have a tile, your die roll becomes wild. You can pick any of the colors. You will then move clockwise to the next space matching the color you chose that has a tile and is unoccupied.

No space that matches color rolled
The green player rolled purple on the die. All of the purple spaces are either occupied by another player or they don’t have a tile on them. The green player can choose whatever color they want and move to the next space that matches the color they chose.

Looking For a Match

After you move onto a space, flip over the tile on your new space. Compare the tile you flipped over to your New Butt! Cards. If it should match one of your cards, you will place the tile on your Butt Holder Card.

Finding a matching tile
The blue player is looking for alien butt and armor-plated butt tiles. The orange space had an alien butt tile on it so the blue player takes it and places it on their Butt Holder Card.

If it doesn’t match one of your cards, check to see if it matches one of the New Butt! Cards that were set aside at the beginning of the game. Should it match one of these cards, place it on top of the corresponding card.

If it doesn’t match one of your cards or one of the cards set aside, place it back on the space that you took it from. You should place it so the unique side is not visible.

Making a New Butt

As you move around the gameboard you will collect different tiles. When you collect both tiles that match one of your New Butt! Cards, you have completed that butt. Remove the tiles from your Butt Holder Card and set them aside.

Making a new butt
The blue player has found both alien’s butt tiles. They have completed the butt. They still have to find the tiles for the armor-plated butt.

The game continues with you trying to complete the rest of your New Butt! Cards.

Winning I Need a New Butt! The Game

The first player to complete all of their New Butt! Cards wins the game. In three and four player games you need to complete two butts. In two player games you need to complete three butts.

Winning I Need a New Butt! The Game
This player has completed both of their new butts. They have won the game.

I Need a New Butt! The Game FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for I Need a New Butt!


  • Gameboard
  • Butt Popper
  • 4 Butt Movers
  • 24 Butt Tiles
  • 4 Butt Holder Cards
  • 12 New Butt! Cards
  • Instructions

Year: 2022 | Publisher: Spin Master

Genres: Children’s, Roll and Move

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 15-30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.