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Hollywood Game Night Party Game: Rules for How to Play

Hollywood Game Night Party Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Hollywood Game Night rule?  |  Setup  |  Playing the Game  |  Take the Hint  |  How Do You Doo?  |  TV ID  |  I Love a Charade  |  Celebrity Name Game  | Winning the GameFAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Hollywood Game Night is to help your team score more points than the other team.


  • The players should divide into two teams. You should try to make the teams as even as possible.
  • Each team takes a set of coasters numbered 1-4. Each player takes a coaster which will be their number throughout the game.
  • Both teams come up with a team name and write it on the score chart.
  • Shuffle each type of cards separately.
  • Place the score chart, card decks, marker and timer within reach of the players.

How to Play Hollywood Game Night

Hollywood Game Night is a team game played over five rounds. Flip a coin. Whoever wins the coin toss gets to choose the first game that will be played. You can choose any of the games except for Celebrity Name Game as that is always the fifth game. The teams will alternate choosing the game to play for the next three rounds. The specific rules for each game are detailed below.

The teams will score points in each round which will be totaled throughout the game. For the first two games each time a team scores they will earn one point. For the third and fourth games each score is worth two points.

After the first four rounds are played, the players will play the Celebrity Name Game for the fifth round. The team that has more points starts the game.

Take the Hint card

Take the Hint

In this game the two teams take turns. One player on the team is chosen as the guesser. The rest of the players will be responsible for giving clues. The clue givers will have 90 seconds (the length of the timer) to get the guesser to guess as many words as they can.

For each card the clue givers will look at the word that corresponds to the guesser’s number. Each clue giver can give a one word clue to the guesser. The clue givers can not consult on what clues each of them will give.

An example of a Take the Hint round
The players will have to give one word clues to player four for the word “chocolate”. A player could give a clue like “Hershey”.

If the guesser can figure out the word on the card, the team scores points corresponding to the amount of points awarded during the current round.

Should the guesser guess wrong (you only get one guess), the card is discarded. The clue givers will draw a new card and try to get their teammate to guess the word. Should a clue giver give a clue that is more than one word, the card will also be discarded even if the guesser made a correct guess.

The players will try to guess as many words as they can in 90 seconds. The team records their score and then the other team has a chance to get as many words as they can.

How Do You Doo? card

How Do You Doo?

The teams will take turns. To start your team’s turn, you will choose one player to be the initial singer. The rest of the players are guessers. They will draw a card and look at the song that matches their player number. They will have to sing the song but can only use the word “doo”.

How to play a How Do You Doo? round
The current player has to try and hum “Ghostbusters” while only saying the word “doo”.

When a player correctly guesses the song that is being sung, they become the new singer. The player that previously was singer becomes a guesser. The singer draws a new card and sings (only using “doo”) the song corresponding to their number.

Should the singer or guessers not know a song, the singer can pass and pick up a new card.

When the timer runs out (90 seconds) the team determines how many songs they correctly guessed. The team will score points corresponding to the round for each correct guess (1 point for rounds 1-2, 2 points for rounds 3-4). The other team then gets 90 seconds to try and guess as many words as they can.

TV ID card


In this round players will face off against the player on the other team that has the same number as them. For example player one on one team faces off against player one on the other team.

A TV ID card is drawn and the two players with the same number look at the card and find the show that matches their player number. The two players then bid on how many words they need to use to get their teammates to guess the show. Whichever player bids the fewest clue words gets the opportunity to give a clue to their teammates.

The player giving the clue can use up to the number of words they bid. They cannot use the names of any actors or characters on the show, what network the show was on, or any words in the title of the show.

An example of a TV ID round
The fourth player on each team bid on how many words they need to describe the TV show Lost. One player bids two words and earns the opportunity to try and get their teammates to guess the show. Their clue is “Dharma Initiative”.

Should they succeed in getting their teammates to guess the show, their team scores points equal to the round (1 point – rounds 1 and 2, 2 points – rounds 3 and 4). If they use too many words, an illegal word, or their teammates can’t guess the show; the other team scores the points.

Each player gets two turns to bid on giving clues to their teammates.

I Love a Charade Card

I Love a Charade

The players will take turns playing the I Love a Charade round. Each team chooses one player to be their first performer. The rest of the players on their team become guessers. The first performer takes a card and looks for the word that corresponds to their player number. The categories for each player number are as follows: 1) Movie 2) Book 3) Character 4) Object. They will have to act out what is on their card to try and get their teammates to successfully guess it. When acting you cannot make any sounds.

I Love A Charade Example
The first player on this team has to act out the movie Groundhog Day.

Players can guess as many times as they want. When someone guesses correctly they will take the role as performer. The previous performer becomes a guesser. The new performer draws a new card and acts out the word corresponding to their player number.

When the timer runs out, the team scores points for each correct answer (1 point for rounds 1-2, 2 points for rounds 3-4). The other team then gets a chance to guess as many words as they can.

Card for Celebrity Name Game

Celebrity Name Game

The team that has more points after four rounds starts the Celebrity Name Game round. If there is a tie, the team that won the coin flip starts the game.

Each team chooses one player to be the clue-giver. The rest of the players on their team will try to guess the celebrities. The clue-giver draws cards and has to try and get their teammates to guess the celebrities that match their player number. The clue-giver can use whatever they want as clues to get their teammates to guess correctly. Some examples include clues, impressions, gestures, songs, and any facts about the celebrity.

Celebrity Name Game example
This player has to get their teammates to guess Leonard Nimoy. They could say something like “played Spock on Star Trek.”

For each correct guess the team scores five points. If the players want to pass on a celebrity, they can but will lose one point.

The clue-giver has 90 seconds to try and get their team to guess as many celebrities as they can. When the timer runs out, the team adds the points they scored to the points they earned throughout the rest of the game. The other team then gets a chance to play a 90 second round of Celebrity Name Game.

Winning Hollywood Game Night

When both players have completed a Celebrity Name Game round, the game ends. The teams compare the points they scored during the game. The team that scored more points wins the game.

Winning Hollywood Game Night
The game has ended. Team one scored 42 points, while team two scored 44 points. Since team two scored more points, they have won the game.

Hollywood Game Night FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Hollywood Game Night


  • 70 Take the Hit Cards
  • 70 How Do You Doo? Cards
  • 70 TV ID Cards
  • 70 I Love a Charade Cards
  • 70 Celebrity Name Game Cards
  • 8 Drink Coasters
  • Dry Erase Score Chart
  • Dry Erase Marker
  • 90 Second Timer
  • Instructions

Year: 2014 | Publisher: Cardinal

Genres: Party

Ages: 12+ | Number of Players: 4-8 | Length of Game: 60 Minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.