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Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy Board Game: Rules for How to Play

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The objective of Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy is to successfully flip over your cup in order to push the Drink Cup towards one of the other players.

Set Up

  • Lay the mat in the middle of the table.
  • Fill up the Drink Cup (black) with your choice of liquid. Place the Drink Cup in the middle square of the mat.
  • Each player chooses one side of the table. They will take one of the red cups and places it with the bottom halfway off one of the edges of the table.

How to Play Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy

All of the players will play the game at the same time. There are no turns. On the count of three all of the players start at the same time. Players should try to flip their cups as quickly as they can.

The objective is to hit/flip upward on the bottom of the red cup on your side of the table. You are trying to launch the cup high enough into the air that it can turn over and land so the top lies flat on the table.

Preparing to flip the cup
When you are ready you will quickly push up on the bottom of the cup hoping that it will flip over and land upside down.

If you successfully get the cup to flip over, you get to move the Drink Cup one space vertically or horizontally in any direction. You can’t move the cup diagonally. The objective is to move it to one of the other players’ edge of the board.

Successfully flip over the cup
This player has successfully flipped over their cup.
Moving the Drink Cup
After successfully flipping over their cup, the player decided to move the Drink Cup up one space on the board.

Should you fail to flip over your red cup or you have already moved the Drink Cup, set up your red cup so the bottom hangs halfway off the edge of the table. Try again to flip it over.

Failed flip
This player wasn’t able to successfully flip over their cup. They will set up the cup again, and try to flip it over.

Winning the Game

The players will keep trying to flip over their cup and moving the Drink Cup towards one of the other players. The Drink Cup will regularly move in different directions.

The game ends once the Drink Cup ends up in one of the red zones of the gameboard. The player who is on that side of the board has to drink whatever you put in the Drink Cup.

End of Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy
The Drink Cup has reached one of the red spaces on the left side of the board. The player on the left side has to drink whatever was placed inside the cup.

Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Buzzed Flip Cup Frenzy


  • Game Mat
  • 8 Flip Cups
  • 1 Drink Cup
  • Instructions

Year: 2022 | Publisher: Buzzed Games, What Do You Meme?

Genres: Dexterity, Party

Ages: 21+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 10-15 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.