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UNO Dominos Board Game Rules

Mattel/International Games Inc decided in 1986 to branch out the UNO franchise by creating the game UNO Dominos. Combining the card play from UNO with the tile placement of Dominos they tried to combine two classic games. Unfortunately the combination leads to a game that is too easy to provide any really strategy or challenge to the players.

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Careful The Toppling Tower Game Board Game Rules

Before Jenga hit the markets in 1983, the Ideal Corporation made their own tower building game. In 1967 Ideal released Careful The Toppling Tower Game. With its’ huge tower, Careful had the potential to be a great game. Unfortunately due to some issues with the components, the game never reaches the heights that it could have.

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10 Days in Africa Board Game Review

Alan Moon (creator of Ticket to Ride) along with Aaron Weissblum created a series of travel games called 10 Days. While not as good as the Ticket to Ride series, I enjoyed playing the USA version of the game. After playing the Africa version I have to say it is not as good as the USA version but it is still enjoyable and may teach you a little about Africa.

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