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Big John Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Big John Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Big John rule?  |  Set Up  |  Playing the Game  |  Winning the Game  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Big John is to be the first player to get rid of all of your Scuzzies.

Set Up

  • Attach the cardboard ring to the plastic base. Make sure to align the notches with the plastic tabs, and then turn to lock the ring in place.
  • Attach the pipe to the base.
  • Place the cardboard floor on top of the pipe. The Big John name should face the direction of the pipe outlet.
  • While you hold the cardboard back wall upright, attach Big John to the pipe. As you attach Big John make sure the cardboard piece slides into the clips on the back of the toilet.
  • Insert batteries into the back of the toilet.
  • Place the assembled Big John in the middle of the table.
  • Each player takes nine Scuzzies and a bucket that they will place them in.
  • The youngest player starts the game. Play moves left throughout the game.

How to Play Big John

To begin your turn you will turn Big John so it faces you. You will then spin the toilet paper spinner. What you spin on the spinner determines what action you will take. See the corresponding section below for what action you will take.

After you have taken the corresponding action, play passes to the player on your left.

Spinning a number in Big John


Should you spin a number, you will begin by lifting up the toilet’s lid as far as it will go.

Depending on the number you spun, you will take the corresponding number of Scuzzies from your bucket. Place them inside the toilet bowl and close the lid.

Placing Scuzzies into the toilet
As shown above the player spun three on the spinner. They place three Scuzzies into the toilet.

Should you have less Scuzzies left than the number you spun, place any Scuzzies you have left in the toilet bowl.

Next you will push down on the handle a number of times equal to the number you spun on the spinner.

Flushing the toilet
Since the player spun a three on the spinner, they will push down on the handle three times.

What happens next depends if Big John flushes. If nothing happens, your turn ends. If he flushes, you must pick up all of the Scuzzies that were flushed. Add all of these Scuzzies to your bucket.

Picking up Scuzzies
After the toilet flushed, these six Scuzzies came out. The player has to add them to their bucket.
Spinning Trade on spinner


Choose another player. You will trade your bucket with their bucket. Obviously you want to pick the player that has the least Scuzzies.

You are forced to trade your bucket even if all of the other players have more Scuzzies than you do.

After you trade your bucket with another player, your turn ends. Play passes to the player on your left.

Spinning Keep 1 'n' Pass

Keep 1 ‘N’ Pass

When you spin Keep 1 ‘N’ Pass add all but one of your Scuzzies to the toilet bowl.

Then turn the toilet to the player on your left. They will press the handle down once. If the Scuzzies are flushed, that player adds all of the flushed Scuzzies to their bucket.

If the toilet doesn’t flush, it is turned to the player on their left. They will then press the handle down once. This continues with each player pushing the handle once until the toilet flushes. If it gets back to the player that spun Keep 1 ‘N’ Pass, they will also have to take a turn pushing the handle.

Winning the Game

The first player to get rid of all of their Scuzzies wins the game.

Winning Big John
The yellow player has gotten rid of all of their Scuzzies. They have won the game.

If you spin a number, you need to push the handle the corresponding number of times before you can win the game. If the toilet flushes, you have to add all of the Scuzzies to your bucket and you do not win the game.

Big John FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Big John


  • Big John Toilet
  • Pipe
  • Base and Carboard Tile
  • Cardboard Basement Floor
  • 36 Scuzzies
  • 4 Buckets
  • Instructions

Year: 1994 | Publisher: Parker Brothers

Genres: Children’s, Electronic

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2-4 | Length of Game: 10 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.