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Eric Mortensen

Eric Mortensen is an owner and head writer on Geeky Hobbies since 2014. He is an avid board game player and collector with over 3,000 board and card games in his collection. Since 2014 he has written more than 1,100 board game how to play guides.

Across Ticklers The Quick Game of Acrostics Board Game Rules

Do you remember from school when you had to make those poems where you took a word and then had to come up with a word that started with each letter of the original word? Well as it turns out those are called acrostics and they just so happen to the basis behind the game Across Ticklers. Across Ticklers has an interesting gameplay mechanic but there is little else to the game.

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Bazaar Board Game Rules

Sid Sackson is a well known board game designer. With over 100 titles to his name, Sid Sackson made a lot of games in his career. One of his best reviewed games was Bazaar. Based on the box I wasn’t expecting much from Bazaar. After playing I was surprised to find that Bazaar is a simple game that has more strategy to it than you would expect.

Read More about Bazaar Board Game Rules