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Link City Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Link City Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Are you looking for a specific Link City rule?  |  Setup  |  Playing the Game  |  Placing Tiles  |  Bonuses  |  End of Game  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of Link City is to work with the other players to build a city worth the most points.


  • Find the six Bonus tiles (they have an illustration on the color tab) and set them in a stack on the table.
  • Place the City Hall tile in the middle of the table.
  • Set aside the eight Construction Site tiles.
  • Take the rest of the tiles and place them inside the box. Shake the box to mix up the tiles.
  • One of the players randomly draws four of the tiles from the box. They will place one tile next to each side of the City Hall tile.
  • Choose a player to be the mayor for the first round. The mayor takes the City Hall Screen and places it in front of them.
  • The mayor randomly draws three Location tiles from the box and hides them behind the screen so only they can see them.
  • The mayor also takes one blue, one orange, and one yellow Construction Site tile. They will place them behind the screen.
  • The player to the left of the mayor becomes the deputy mayor for the first round.
Setup for Link City

How to Play Link City

During the game players are trying to complete trees. There is half of a tree on the edge of each tile. When players place two tiles side by side, they create a tree. Each tree scores the players on point at the end of the game.

You will play six rounds in Link City. Each round consists of a number of steps:

  • The deputy mayor places the cones.
  • Mayor chooses where to place the Location tiles.
  • The rest of the players choose where to place the Location tiles.
  • The tiles are placed in the city.

Placing the Cones

The deputy mayor takes the blue, orange, and yellow plastic cones. They will decide where to place each cone inside the city. The deputy mayor must place each cone where it touches the side of at least one location. They cannot place a cone at a diagonal from another tile. Where the deputy mayor places the cones are the locations in the city where the players are trying to place tiles this turn.

The deputy mayor has placed the three cones
The deputy mayor has chosen where to place the three cones. The players are hoping to place tiles in these locations this round.

Mayor Chooses Where to Place Tiles

After the deputy mayor places the cones, the mayor will look at the Location tiles that are behind the screen. For each cone they will choose one Location tile from behind the screen that they would like to place in that location. To note where they would like to place each Location tile, they will place the corresponding colored Construction Site tile next to the Location tile. When choosing where to place the tiles, they will have to consider where they think the other players will want to place them. While the mayor is making their choices, the other players should not say anything that could influence where they would place each tile.

The mayor chooses where to place the Location tiles
This round the mayor has to choose where to place the movie theater, gas station, and castle. They have decided to place the movie theater where the blue cone is. They want the gas station at the location of the orange cone, and the castle at the location of the yellow cone.

Players Choose Where to Place Tiles

When the mayor is done choosing a location for each Location tile, they will flip over the Construction Site tiles so the other players can’t see what color they assigned to each tile. They will then remove the screen so the other players can see the Location tiles.

The rest of the players (including the deputy mayor) then discuss the three Location tiles. They need to try and figure out where the mayor wants to place each of the tiles. The players will take one blue, orange, and yellow Construction Site tile. They will place one Construction Site tile next to each of the Location tiles. The mayor shouldn’t say anything that could influence the other players decisions.

The players decide where to place the Location tiles
The players have decided to place the movie theater by the bank and mini-golf. They want to place the gas station next to the bank and bookstore. Finally they think the castle should be placed to the left of the bookstore.

If the players can’t come to an agreement, the deputy mayor breaks any ties and chooses where the Construction Site tiles will be placed.

Placing Tiles

After the players have placed all of the Construction Site tiles, the mayor flips over the Construction Site tiles that are face down. The players will compare the two Construction Site tiles placed next to each Location tile.

Comparing the mayors and players' choices
The players and the mayor agreed to place the movie theater where the blue cone is. The mayor and players did not agree on where to place the gas station and castle.

Matched Tiles

If the mayor and the players placed the same Construction Site tile next to a Location tile, the players matched. The mayor takes the corresponding Location tile and places it where the corresponding colored plastic cone was placed in the city.

Placing a matched Location tile
Since the players and mayor agreed on where to place the movie theater, it is placed in the location where the blue cone was placed.

Unmatched Tiles

Should the two Construction Site tiles not match for a Location tile, the players failed to match. The mayor takes the corresponding Location tile and places it anywhere they want in the city. They must place the tile where it touches at least one other tile at a corner (diagonal), but does not share a side with any tiles.

Placing the Location tiles that the players didn't match
The players and mayor did not agree on where to place the castle and gas station. Since they didn’t match, the mayor chose a location for both tiles that only touched another tile in the corner.

End of Round

After the mayor places all of the Location tiles in the city, the round ends. The deputy mayor for this round becomes the mayor for the next round. The player to their left becomes the deputy mayor for the next round. The mayor takes the screen and randomly draws three new Location tiles and places them behind the screen. The next round is then played in the same way as the first round.


There are two different bonuses that the players can unlock in Link City.

Should the players correctly match on all three Location tiles, the players have completed a perfect score for the round. By getting a perfect score, the players will unlock the white cone. For the rest of the game, the players will use four Location tiles each round. The players will use the white cone in addition to the blue, orange, and yellow cones.

Unlocking the white cone after matching all of the Location tiles
The players and mayor successfully matched all of the Location tiles this round. Due to the perfect round, they will unlock the white cone for the rest of the game.

Each time the players complete a round with a perfect score (all of the tiles are matched), the mayor takes the top Bonus tile from the stack. They can place this special tile anywhere in the city. One side of the Bonus tile has a colored section instead of half of a tree. This side of the tile blocks the row or column that it is played in. No more tiles may be placed in that row/column for the rest of the game.

Placing a Bonus tile in Link City
Since the players matched all of the Location tiles this round, they get to place a Bonus tile. They placed the amusement park in their city. Based on the orange side of the tile, players may no longer play tiles in the row that has the condominiums, bookstore, city hall, mini-golf and the amusement park.

End of Game

You will play six rounds in Link City. After the sixth round ends, the game ends. Players will then count up how many points they scored during the game. Each completed tree is worth one point. The game recommends you count the trees created in each row first. Then count the trees created in the columns. Compare the number of points scored versus the chart below to see how well you did:

  • Less than 30 points – Welcome to Funky City
  • 30+ points – Good job, welcome to Groovy City
  • 40+ points – You’re well connected, welcome to Wow City!
  • 50+ points – You’re absolutely amazing, welcome to Link City!
  • 60+ points – Congratulations, but… you cheated 🙂
Determining the players final score in Link City
The players have completed their city. Based on where the tiles were placed, they have scored 35 points this game.

Link City FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Link City


  • 57 Location Tiles
  • 6 Bonus Tiles
  • City Hall Tile
  • 8 Construction Site Tiles
  • 4 Construction Cones
  • City Hall Screen
  • Instructions

Year: 2024 | Publisher: Blue Orange Games | Designer: Émilien Alquier | Artist: Mathieu Clauss, Franz Lejeune

Genres: Cooperative, Party, Tile Placement

Ages: 8+ | Number of Players: 2-6 | Length of Game: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: Moderate

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.

We at Geeky Hobbies would like to thank Blue Orange Games for the review copy of Link City used for this review. Other than receiving a free copy of the game to review, we at Geeky Hobbies received no other compensation for this review. Receiving the review copy for free had no impact on the content of this how to play guide.