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UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Card Game: Rules for How to Play

UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Card Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice rule?  |  Setup  |  Playing the Game  | Card MeaningsCalling UNO  |  Winning the Game  |  Scoring  |  FAQ  |  Components  |


The objective of UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is to be the first player to play all of the cards from your hand.


  • Choose a player to be the dealer. The dealer shuffles all of the cards.
  • After they shuffle the cards, they will deal seven cards facedown to each player. Players can look at their own cards, but they shouldn’t show them to the other players.
  • Lay the remaining cards facedown on the table to form the Draw Pile.
  • Turn over the top card from the Draw Pile in order to form the Discard Pile. Should you flip over an Action card (anything that isn’t a number), you will ignore its effect and flip over another card.
  • The player sitting to the left of the dealer starts the game. Play moves clockwise/left to start the game.

How to Play UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

On each of your turns you will try to play one of the cards from your hand to the Discard Pile. In order to play a card it has to match one of three attributes from the top card on the Discard Pile.

  • Color
  • Number
  • Symbol

If you have a card in your hand that matches one or more of the attributes, you can play the card. You can only play one card on your turn. Should you play an Action card (any card that is not a number), you will take a special action. See our UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Card Meanings post for details on what each card does.

Playing a card to match a red one
The top card on the Discard Pile is a red one. At the bottom of the picture there are five cards that the next player could choose to play. They could play the red two because it matches the color. The green one matches the number. Finally the Wild, Wild Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, and Wild Draw Four cards can be played because they are wild so they match any card.
Playing a card to match a blue Reverse card
The top card on the Discard Pile is a blue Reverse card. You could play your own Reverse card because it matches the symbol.

Sometimes you will have a card in your hand that you can play, but you don’t want to play it. In this case you can choose not to play the card. Should you choose not to play a card, you cannot play that card for the rest of your current turn. You will treat the rest of your turn like if you didn’t have a card that you could play.

After you play a card, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player in turn order.

Drawing a Card

If you do not have a card in your hand that you can play or you choose not to play one, you will have to draw a card from the Draw Pile. After you take the card you should look at it. If the card matches one of the attributes of the top card on the Discard Pile, you can choose to play it right away. Otherwise you will add the card to your hand.

After you draw a card and either play it or add it to your hand, your turn ends. Play passes to the next player in turn order.

Should the Draw Pile ever run out of cards, you will shuffle the Discard Pile to form a new Draw Pile.

Calling UNO

When you only have one card left in your hand, you should call out UNO as quickly as possible. You will do this in order to alert the other players that you are close to winning.

Calling UNO in UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
This player only has one card left in their hand. They should call out UNO as quickly as possible.

Should you forget to say UNO and another player catches you, you will have to draw two cards. The other player has to challenge you before the next player begins their turn.

Winning the Game

The first player to play the last card from their hand, wins UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.


Sometimes you will want to play multiple hands. If you want to play multiple hands you can decide to keep score to determine the ultimate winner.

The player that gets rid of all of the cards from their hand wins the round. For their reward for winning the round, they will collect all of the cards left in the other players’ hands. The rules for UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice don’t specifically say what happens if the last played card forces a player to draw cards. Usually in UNO when the last card forces cards to be drawn, the cards are drawn before the winner collects the cards from the other players.

The winner of the round scores points for each card they collect as follows:

  • Numbers – face value
  • Draw Two, Reverse, Skip – 20 points each
  • Wild, Wild Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Wild Draw Four – 50 points each
Scoring in UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
The other players had these nine cards left in their hands when the round ended. The winner will score points from the cards as follows. The number cards at the top will score 20 points (5 + 6 + 9). The Draw Two, Reverse, and Skip cards each score 20 points. Finally the Wild, Wild Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, and the Wild Draw Four card each score 50 points. The winner scores a total of 230 points.

The winner of the round totals their score for the round and writes it down. If they haven’t scored at least 500 points in the game, another round is played.

The first player to score 500 or more points wins the game.

UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for UNO Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


  • 19 Blue Cards (one 0, two each of 1-9)
  • 19 Green Cards (one 0, two each of 1-9)
  • 19 Red Cards (one 0, two each of 1-9)
  • 19 Purple Cards (one 0, two each of 1-9)
  • 8 Draw Two Cards (two of each color)
  • 8 Reverse Cards (two of each color)
  • 8 Skip Cards (two of each color)
  • 4 Wild Cards
  • 4 Wild Draw Four Cards
  • 4 Wild Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Cards
  • Instructions

Year: 2024 | Publisher: Mattel

Genres: Card, Family

Ages: 7+ | Number of Players: 2-10 | Length of Game: 15-60 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game rules/how to plays, check out our complete alphabetical list of card and board game rules posts.