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Pie Face Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Pie Face Board Game: Rules for How to Play

Looking for a specific Pie Face rule? | Set Up | Playing the Game | Partial Turn | Winning the Game | Storing the Game | Chain Reaction | FAQ | Components |

Objective of Pie Face

The objective of Pie Face is to be the first player in the game to score 25 points.


  • Attach the chin rest to the base.
  • Insert the face mask between the chin rest and front clips.
  • Push a handle into each side of the base.
  • Attach the throwing arm to the base. Push it until it locks into place.
  • Place the game on a table and apply some whipped cream to the throwing arm’s hand.
  • Grab a pen/pencil and a piece of paper to keep score on.
  • The youngest player starts the game. Play proceeds clockwise/left.
Set up for Pie Face

How to Play Pie Face

You will begin each turn by spinning the spinner. The number you spin on the spinner determines how many times you will have to turn the handles.

Spinning the spinner
This player spun a four on the spinner. They will have to turn the handles four times.

Put your chin on the chin rest and look through the mask facing the throwing hand.

Turn the handles forward towards the throwing hand. You will turn the handle forward the number of times spun on the spinner. Each time the handle clicks counts as one turn.

What happens next depends on if you are hit by the whipped cream hand.

If after you turn the handles the arm launches towards your face and hits you with whipped cream, you receive zero points this turn.

Hit in the face with the cream
This player turned the handle and it launched the hand towards their face. Since they were hit this round, they score zero points.

Should you turn the handle the required number of times and you don’t activate the throwing arm, you have survived the round. You will score points equal to double the amount that you spun. For example say you spun a four on the spinner. You will score eight points if you don’t activate the throwing arm.

Partial Turn

Before you start turning the handles, you can opt into a “partial turn”. Instead of turning the handles the number of times you spun, you can decide to turn them fewer times. Before you start turning the handles tell the other players how many times you will turn them. You will then turn the handles the number of times that you chose.

Player choosing to take a partial turn
This player spun a five on the spinner. They think turning the handles five times will activate the throwing arm. They decide that they only want to turn the handle three times.

If you get hit by the whipped cream on the throwing arm, you still receive no points.

If you avoid getting hit, you receive one point for each time you turned the handles.

Winning Pie Face

The first player to score 25 or more points, wins Pie Face.

Storing the Game

To store Pie Face back in the box, remove the throwing arm, chin rest, mask and handles from the base.

Make sure you thoroughly clean with water and dry all of the components before storing the components back in the box.

Chain Reaction Mode

You can only play this mode if you have multiple copies of Pie Face.

Assemble the game like the normal game. Attach the game unit together though with a connector.

Each player puts their face in one of the masks at the same time. All of the players count down from three and turn their handle forward one time.

Anyone who gets hit by whipped cream is eliminated from the game.

The last player standing wins the game.

Pie Face FAQ

If you have any questions about how to play the game, leave a comment below on this post. I will try to answer any questions asked as best and as quickly as possible.

Components for Pie Face


  • Pie Thrower
  • Throwing Arm
  • 2 Handles
  • Chin Rest
  • Splash Card Mask
  • Spinner
  • Instructions

Year: 1964 | Publisher: Hasbro, Rocket Games | Designer: Marvin Glass

Genres: Action, Children’s, Family

Ages: 5+ | Number of Players: 2+ | Length of Game: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Light | Strategy: Light | Luck: High

For more board and card game how to plays/rules and reviews, check out our complete alphabetical list of board game posts.